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  • Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program

What is a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program?

Posted: Oct 30, 2023
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Psychiatrist practitionner taking care of a patient

A psychiatric rehabilitation program is a helpful service for people who suffer from mental health disorders. The program centers around goal setting. Each individual within the program sets specific, achievable goals, and highly skilled staff help the person achieve the stated goals.

Examples of Goal Setting

Specific goals are agreed to by the person enrolled in the program, staff, and providers. Examples of goals include:

  • Getting a job
  • Renting an apartment
  • Enrolling in classes

How Psychiatric Rehabilitation Can Help

Doctors and staff involved in psychiatric rehabilitation can help with teaching life skills, coaching to improve performance, and planning next steps.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Tools

Psychiatric rehabilitation staff use several instructive tools and techniques, including teaching social skills, modeling after others, coaching to achieve goals, decision making principles, interviewing and role playing, developing an action plan, forming positive habits, and wellness creation.

Crafting a Resilient Future: Enroll in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Today!

Shape a resilient future for yourself by joining our psychiatric rehabilitation program. Through goal setting and skill development, we empower you to overcome mental health challenges. Enroll today and take control of your journey to well-being.

Book an Appointment

The Goal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

The overall goal of psychiatric rehabilitation is to help the person enrolled in the program become successful and thriving, with the least amount of dependence on professional help.

How Psychiatric Rehabilitation is Different

Psychiatric rehabilitation is a recovery focused type of program, using non-clinical methods. Providers are part of an extended team, involving community resources, case managers, and others to provide a network of help and resources.

Want To Know More?

Mental health concerns can be difficult to deal with. A psychiatric rehabilitation program can help. To find out more about a psychiatric rehabilitation program and how it can help you or someone you know, talk with an expert. Call Dr. Zama at Compassionate Specialty Clinic in Greenbelt, MD, at (301) 902-0664. Call today.

Call (301) 902-0664

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