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  • Palliative Care

Navigating Your Serious Illness With Palliative Care

Posted: Nov 8, 2022
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Nurse holding an the hand of an old patient

A diagnosis for a serious illness can make you reevaluate what means the most to you, and while treatment of the condition is certainly important, it isn't everything. Palliative care is a way of providing you with care that takes into account your quality of life and prioritizes your decisions all while providing you with the treatment you need. You can learn more about palliative care and if it's right for you by getting in contact with our local health experts at Compassionate Specialty Clinic Greenbelt, MD.

Quality of Life

With palliative care, the goal of our specially trained team of doctors, nurses, and other professionals is to focus on improving your quality of life and that of your family members. You and your family are as much part of the team as you will work together to decide what your health priorities are.

Your prognosis is only one of the many elements taken into account to create a program tailored to your needs. Our doctors will work to provide relief for symptoms that affect your day to day, from helping you deal with physical discomfort to helping you manage the depression and anxiety that are typical of being diagnosed with a serious illness.

Our team will work with every provider involved to let them understand what your goals are for the treatment and that they know what it is you want.

Holistic Healing: Palliative Care for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Palliative care is about more than just physical symptoms – it's holistic healing. Experience comprehensive support at Compassionate Specialty Clinic, Greenbelt, MD. Reach out to us and explore how we can enhance your overall well-being.

Book an Appointment

Palliative Care in Greenbelt, MD

Palliative care is appropriate for just about all ages and at any stage of a serious illness and it can be provided in tandem with regular treatment. The types of conditions that palliative care is generally suggested for include cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, kidney disease, congestive heart failure, and many others, reach out to our local professionals to learn more.

Want To Know More?

If you are interested in palliative care in Greenbelt, MD, you can schedule a visit with Compassionate Specialty Clinic by dialing (301) 902-0664.

Call (301) 902-0664

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